Mac OS X Mavericks breaks iWork ´09!

If you need the merge feature of iWork ´09 you better back away from MacOS X Mavericks! The mail merge feature in iWork ´09 breaks when you upgrade your OS to Mavericks!
Detailed Description
While all the relevant menu entries are still available and you will be able to choose your source-document and so on, when it comes to selecting the colums of the Numbers-document to use for merging you simply have exactly one choice: the first column. Thats it. All other columns of the Numbers table are not accessible from pages.
Upgrading won´t help
Yes, it´s possible to update to iWork 5 and yes, even without paying!
But upgrading won´t help you since the new iWork 5 doesn´t support merging any more! It seems, while they´re upgrading the Mac Pro, they´re retargeting the iWork suite away from soho towards private toying around.
I tested this on several computers and with newly created and proven-to-work old files: no hope. It´s broken.
When I copied iWork ´09 to a computer running Mountain-Lion things worked on Mavericks not.
Conspiracy theory
You think bad things can happen? Yes, they can! But I think Apple was fully aware of this problem! Maybe that is the reason, why they stopped merging support in iWork 5? They did not wan´t to delay the release of either Mavericks or iWork 5 by waiting for the underlaying problem to be solved that is what i think. And it´s not the first time at all that the guys in cupertino behave like this.
Incomplete List of removed features
- Accented Characters in Footer
- Alignment Guides
- Background Object selectable
- Bookmarks and Links
- Bullet points in comments
- Capture pages/sections
- Character Styles
- Import of older .pages formatting – Not Clean
- Customizable Toolbar
- Default Start Up page
- Delete page
- Drag and Drop VCards
- Drag reorganize pages
- Duplicate pages
- Endnotes
- Export to .txt or .rtf
- Facing pages
- Find & Replace special characters (e.g. paragraph returns)
- Images within Tables
- Import Styles
- Insert File Name
- Layout Breaks
- Layout Margins
- List Styles
- Mail Merge
- Manage Pages
- Mask with shapes other than rectangle
- Mathtype/Grapher Equations/Formulae within Pages
- Media Inspector links to Aperture Library
- Media Inspector links to iPhoto library on external drive
- Merge Fields
- Multiple Comments view
- Open Type features
- Outline view
- Paste and keep style
- Retain zoom level of document
- Search comments
- Search in Media Browser
- Search Sidebar
- Select all instances of a Style
- Select non-contiguous text
- Selective formatting in Character Styles
- Storyboards
- Style Function key shortcuts
- Styles Drawer
- Subscript/superscript buttons
- T.O.C. clean numbering
- Tables in Headers/Footers
- Tables to Text
- Text to Tables
- Textbox linking
- Two-up view
- User Guide (?)
- Vertical Ruler
- Word (.DOCX) export to iCloud