by Admin | 1. Februar 2017 21:04
The Magento cron job, set up for the user running the webserver, is not running correctly besides everything seems to be configured correctly.
When you run the script as root:
bin/sh /var/www/–whatever-path–/web/
everything is fine, but when you run the cron script being the server user:
su www-data
bin/sh /var/www/–whatever-path–/web/
You get an error message:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‚Zend_Cache_Exception‘ with message ‚cache_dir „/var/www/–whatever-path–/web/var/cache“ must be a directory‘ in /var/www/–whatever-path–/web/lib/Zend/Cache.php
Even when the directory exists!
I did not find a single post in the wide wide web describing this problem: the var as well as the cache directory must be u+rwx AND g+rwx! Mind the x!
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